#Faststone capture text pdf
Select and copy the image in word, pdf or excel.Paint (for capturing images too large for one screen) copy in or type the appropriate name after 'Object name' ģ.select 'desktop' or any other location where you want to store the file.When releasing the left mouse button, a save window opens. Select with the left mouse button the screen area you want to copy: the map, table, graph, picture, without the heading or title ! but including any footnotes at the bottom (including the source is optional - not necessary as it will be in caption below image, but not a problem either).Click on the fourth item (frame with dotted margins, 'Capture rectangular region').', for selecting where to send the output), select 'To File'.

On the FastStone Capture tool bar, click on the dropdown menu of the next to last item ('Output->.Adjust the zoom of your view to the appropriate resolution, neither too small (for good visibility) nor too large (avoiding 'granularity' in picture) - the screenshot you take will determine the readability of the png file you upload! a Word document, PDF or Excel file, web page or any other screen view with a table or graph or map. Open the file containing the source image you want to insert, e.g.The resulting table or graph or map then only has to be copied and saved locally as a png file. In the majority of cases, image files are taken from a source Excel file where they have been layouted according to the Eurostat layout rules (see here), using the specially developed Eurostat layout commands in Excel. There are essentially three methods for selecting an image and saving it as a pgn file the first one, in Excel, will probably be used most often. Selecting an image and converting it to png file To avoid syntax problems it is recommended not to use / (slash), \ (backslash), ? (question mark), % (percent sign), * (asterisk), : (colon), | (vertical bar), " (quotation mark), (greater than) and. For instance: 'Job vacancy rate, 2013' and 'Job vacancy rate, 2014'. New versions should be uploaded with the same file name, if content has not changed, and just a different year or period. Using this name from the very beginning has the big advantage that in the next steps of uploading, inserting the file name and adding the caption, you can just copy & paste this same name.Īdding a year or period is very important: new versions should not be uploaded under an already existing name, because then old versions of a statistical article will then display the new version of an image next to a mismatched text discussing a previous version of the data. from the pdf document) but without the numbering at the beginning ('Map 12.1:' etc.) you may have to do this in two movements if the title is in 2 lines, separated by 'return'.
#Faststone capture text full
R easiest way is to to be exactly in all steps of the procedure copy & paste the full name of the original image (e.g. ' ' or '(1990=100)').įor instance: Gross domestic product (GDP) per inhabitant, in purchasing power standard (PPS), by NUTS 2 regions, 2010 (1) (% of the EU-27 average, EU-27 = 100).png ', 2014'), the geographical area (usually ', EU-28') and the unit or reference period between brackets (e.g. the file name must be the full title of the image.'įor maximum efficiency, optimal retrieval and minimal confusion of users: insert producer information like 'YB2013' or 'for the new SIF on.add 'Graph' or 'Figure 1' or 'Table 2.1' at the beginning of the name!!.use just 'Figure 1' or 'Table 2.1' as name!!.
#Faststone capture text how to

Images can be maps, figures (graphs), tables or pictures.