Additionally the Empty Shotgun shells are ejected from the Right Side, where no ejection port is visable.The Shotgun is set up as a "Left-Handed" model (as shown by the ejection port being visible on the left hand side of the gun) instead of the vastly more common "Right-Handed" set-up, where the ejection port would be found on the opposite side.This may result from the fact that the game files indicate that there are separate Shotguns for each class that equips one. Interestingly, when equipping the Shotgun, the Pyro pulls back once on the pump as if ejecting a spent shell, while the Engineer, Soldier, and Heavy do not.Additionally the Hose is still visible in the HUD Model of the Flamethrower.Originally the Flamethrower had a Hose connecting the Flamethrower to the Gas Canister on Pyro's Back, This was Removed in the Release version.

Additionally one of Pyro's Kill Taunts is a Reference to the "Hadoken" Fireball from the Game "Street fighter".Pyro has the most Kill Taunts out of any other class, With a Total of 4 kill Taunts.Some players believe that the Pyro is, in fact, a female, thanks to various subtle hints left throughout the game, such as a small, flowery handbag in the Pyro's spawn room locker in various maps, and a female gender symbol in the clouds during the Meet the Pyro video.Pyro is also given the name "Pat Bates" in the game.
The Pyro, along with Heavy, Engineer, and Medic, are playable characters in the Australium Update in the game Dungeon of the Endless.The Pyro along with Saxton Hale are playable characters in the game Super Time Force Ultra.Pyro drives the standard car, Heavy runs the boat, and Spy flies the plane.