Has to be improved, you can't really play this stuff at less than a locked 60. Multiplayer was a no starter, hope they fix it by the time it launches on gamepass.

There seems to be less junk loot than in nioh games, thankfully, but it could just be the demo. Character creation seems robust and also comes with a surprisingly good selection of pre-made heroic faces if you'd rather not waste time with that. Options for hiding strapped on secondary gear. Nice selection of tasteful/normal looking weapons and outfits. Really appreciate how most of the combat animations with one handed swords and pole arms look straight out of those wuxia movies which is a really good fit for this kind of fast paced fantasy combat (nioh combat looked nothing like samurai movies and the combat in souls just looks like spastic nonsense). Absolute kings.Ĭombat flows far better than previous games in the genre, great fun when you get the hang of it. Team Ninja gets away with allowing to choose pronouns because they delivered a big win yet again. Plus, the game allows to choose different text font sizes, that's a massive QoL feature that every release should offer for us 133% zoomers. Maybe the demo is too little to judge (it would be certainly disappointing if all bosses after that point were as easy as the third one is), but I'd say when it comes to combat this is my favourite take on the formula so far, extremely addicting. It's flashy, it's very fast, polished and responsive, and the sound and visual effects when successfully deflecting an attack are only surpassed in pleasantness by the fatal blow animation on the broken enemy. The first boss is a bit tricky, a very steep increase in difficulty and truly Nioh did a better job at teaching the player to use the power form to defeat the first big guy -it doesn't feel like a tutorial at all, players new to the genre will probably reeee hard with it- but after that the demo becomes much easier and allows for quite some movement experimentation using jumps to ambush the enemy, with the final boss being an absolute pushover and my character becoming a bouncing flurry of violence like out of some King Hu film. I haven't played Nioh 2 yet so maybe the character editor there was like this already, but it must be said that it's excellent with an insane level of detail (and this is the first time I see the chest slider on a female character actually resulting in larger breasts and even soft motion in-game).